Post by Vanida, Druid, Restoration on May 25, 2016 22:53:37 GMT
Personal information
How well does your computer handle 20man raiding (FPS and ping)?
[Around 90-110 FPS and around 40-60 ping]
Do you have a working microphone and are you willing to use it?
[Yes, i have a working mic and can speak at anytime]
Character information
Armory link:
For how long have you played WoW?
Main Specialization:
Would you be willing to switch to another specialization or another class?
If you have logs to demonstrate your ability to raid, link here:
[Sadly after "The Aftermath" (my current guild) stopped raiding all logs are gone.]
Raiding information
What was your last guild and why did you leave it?
[My last and current guild is "The Aftermath". I joined them at around February 2016. Raiding was really fine and with a very good progress at the time i joined. We were progressing at Manoroth for about 1 month with very good tries i can say all of them around 7-10% steadily. However, all those good tries were coming with really slow rate, people got frustrated and did not appear on time for raid and so on and so forth. So one day GM called us all on TS and announced that he would stop raiding and guild would stop as well. SO, here i am looking for a new home.]
Are you able to attend close to 100% of our raid times?
[Yes, definitely i am able to. I have already spoken with Sanyarka in game and asked him about raid times and days. It fits me.]
Please give a detailed summary of your raiding experience:
[Vanilla wow: no experience at all cause simply i wasnt playing WoW at that time.Have done MC, ZG much later in tbc.
TBC: Karazhan (cleared), Gruul's lair (cleared), Magtheridon (cleared), SSC (cleared), TK (cleared), Zul'aman (cleared), Black Temple: first 4 bosses (Warlord Najentus, Supremus, Shade of Akama, Teron Gorefiend), Sunwell: several tries on first boss but then quited.
WOTLK: Naxx10 (cleared), Naxx25 (up to Sapphiron by organizing some pugs), EOE10(cleared)
Ulduar10: cleared
Ulduar25: cleared plus hc modes
TOC25: cleared
ICC25: cleared
ICC25 hc mode: 12/12
Hallion 10/25 cleared
Blackwing Descent Normal/Heroic cleared
The Bastion of Twilight Normal/Heroic cleared
Throne of the four winds Normal/Heroic cleared
-Cata: FL normal/heroic cleared DS normal/heroic cleared
-MoP: Didn't clear on druid because during MoP GM asked me to reroll MW monk so i have them cleared on Monk all of the content
-WoD: HM 7/7 normal, heroic, mythic BRF 10/10 heroic 9/10 mythic HFC 13/13 heroic 11/13 mythic]
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
[Thank you in advance for reading my application and i hope i fullfill your expectations if i get accepted.
To finalize my application here is a joke for you:
A blonde girl was talking to her redhead friend about her boyfriend's dandruff problem. The redhead says "Why don't you give him Head and Shoulders?" The blonde replies, "How do you give shoulders?"
How well does your computer handle 20man raiding (FPS and ping)?
[Around 90-110 FPS and around 40-60 ping]
Do you have a working microphone and are you willing to use it?
[Yes, i have a working mic and can speak at anytime]
Character information
Armory link:
For how long have you played WoW?
Main Specialization:
Would you be willing to switch to another specialization or another class?
If you have logs to demonstrate your ability to raid, link here:
[Sadly after "The Aftermath" (my current guild) stopped raiding all logs are gone.]
Raiding information
What was your last guild and why did you leave it?
[My last and current guild is "The Aftermath". I joined them at around February 2016. Raiding was really fine and with a very good progress at the time i joined. We were progressing at Manoroth for about 1 month with very good tries i can say all of them around 7-10% steadily. However, all those good tries were coming with really slow rate, people got frustrated and did not appear on time for raid and so on and so forth. So one day GM called us all on TS and announced that he would stop raiding and guild would stop as well. SO, here i am looking for a new home.]
Are you able to attend close to 100% of our raid times?
[Yes, definitely i am able to. I have already spoken with Sanyarka in game and asked him about raid times and days. It fits me.]
Please give a detailed summary of your raiding experience:
[Vanilla wow: no experience at all cause simply i wasnt playing WoW at that time.Have done MC, ZG much later in tbc.
TBC: Karazhan (cleared), Gruul's lair (cleared), Magtheridon (cleared), SSC (cleared), TK (cleared), Zul'aman (cleared), Black Temple: first 4 bosses (Warlord Najentus, Supremus, Shade of Akama, Teron Gorefiend), Sunwell: several tries on first boss but then quited.
WOTLK: Naxx10 (cleared), Naxx25 (up to Sapphiron by organizing some pugs), EOE10(cleared)
Ulduar10: cleared
Ulduar25: cleared plus hc modes
TOC25: cleared
ICC25: cleared
ICC25 hc mode: 12/12
Hallion 10/25 cleared
Blackwing Descent Normal/Heroic cleared
The Bastion of Twilight Normal/Heroic cleared
Throne of the four winds Normal/Heroic cleared
-Cata: FL normal/heroic cleared DS normal/heroic cleared
-MoP: Didn't clear on druid because during MoP GM asked me to reroll MW monk so i have them cleared on Monk all of the content
-WoD: HM 7/7 normal, heroic, mythic BRF 10/10 heroic 9/10 mythic HFC 13/13 heroic 11/13 mythic]
Is there anything else you’d like to add?
[Thank you in advance for reading my application and i hope i fullfill your expectations if i get accepted.
To finalize my application here is a joke for you:
A blonde girl was talking to her redhead friend about her boyfriend's dandruff problem. The redhead says "Why don't you give him Head and Shoulders?" The blonde replies, "How do you give shoulders?"